file Library

D6.6 Infographic PFAS (Dutch)

Infographic developed and designed by GRID-Arendal, project partner under the Source to Seas – Zero Pollution 2030 project. The infographic portrays how PFAS move through and persist in the environment. The infographic was translated to Dutch to supplement the VLIZ policy brief on PFA [...]

Developing a holistic framework to help guide the EU towards zero pollution

This poster was presented by Linda Del Savio at the ICYMARE Conference.

Project description

Project one pager

Project one pager describing the aim and how the different work packages work together to develop a holistic framework to help guide the EU towards zero pollution in European seas.

Poster 2nd Mission Ocean and Waters Annual Forum

SOS-ZEROPOL2030 exhibited a poster at the 2nd Mission Ocean and Waters Annual Forum. The event took place on the 5th of March 2024 in Brussels and showcased a number of EU projects. Its overall aim was to take stock of the Mission’s progress and major achievements, to mobilize relevan [...]

Uptake of organic contaminants from car tire microplastics in Arctic marine species

Tire wear particles and their associated chemicals: Concentrations and consequences in the Arctic and Sub- Arctic European environment

Cover image of the D2.1 EU Zero Pollution Ambition report

D2.1 The EU Zero Pollution Ambition

This report ‘The EU Zero Pollution Ambition’ provides an extensive overview of the policy documents and legislation that make up the environmental pollution framework in Europe.

Cover of D2.2 report The EU Governance Landscape for Zero Marine Pollution

D2.2 The EU Governance Landscape for Zero Marine Pollution

The SOS-ZEROPOL2030 project launches its second report: The EU Governance Landscape for Zero Marine Pollution, proving an overview of the existing EU governance arrangements and the best practices and constraints of governance efforts to achieve zero pollution.

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