Second General Assembly strengthens collaboration and partnership

| November 1st, 2023 | News

The second general assembly for the SOS-ZEROPOL2030 project took place in October 2023. The meeting brought together the project consortium of 10 European institutions across 8 countries with expertise in fundamental and applied natural sciences, social sciences and human behaviour. The project partner Research Institute for Sustainability hosted the meeting in Potsdam, Germany.  

Project partners exchanged on progress, deliverables and updates from the first year of the project. Key highlights of the first year include the Zero Pollution Ambition Report led by the Flanders Marine Institute providing an extensive overview of policy documents and legislation that make up the environmental pollution framework in the EU. This report provides a key foundation of knowledge and insights for the project. 

Ongoing and upcoming tasks were discussed including the EU Governance Landscape for Zero Marine Pollution report led by Wageningen University, Stakeholder and Public Perception Survey on the project’s four priority pollutants led by Vienna University, StoryMap and infographic on PFAS led by GRID-Arendal, the three upcoming regional living labs led by Wageningen University, mapping of emission sources and environmental risk assessment of PFAS and tyre wear particles led by SINTEF Ocean, and development of the Zero Pollution Framework led by Research Institute for Sustainability.   

Bringing all partners together for the second general assembly strengthened the relationships, collaboration and coordination across project partners to continue working together towards zero pollution in the European seas! 

The Source to Seas – Zero Pollution 2030 project has the overall aim of developing a holistic, stakeholder led zero pollution framework to guide the EU towards zero pollution in European Seas by 2030. The project focus on four priority pollutants: nutrient inputs, contaminants, plastic litter and underwater noise; and two case study pollutants: PFAS and Tyre Wear Particles.  

Project partners are: University College Cork  – UCC (Ireland), Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee – VLIZ (Belgium), Wageningen University – WU (Netherlands), Universitat Wien – UNIVIE (Austria), SINTEF Ocean AS – SO (Norway), Stichting Wageningen Research – WR (Netherlands), Black Sea NGO Network – BSNN (Bulgaria), Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development Association – MIO-ECSDE (Greece), Research Institute for Sustainability – RIFS (Germany), and GRID-Arendal – GRIDA (Norway).    

Find all project resources, including our reports, infographics and StoryMaps under Resources.   

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