Work Package 6: Communication and Dissemination
This Work Package will communicate project results, activities and outputs to a range of audiences and facilitate effective knowledge and information exchange between key stakeholder and project partners.
| August 19th, 2023 | work packages
Lead institution: GRID-Arendal
- To communicate project findings, to disseminate project results, to increase appreciation of our marine environment and to raise awareness of the concerns associated with marine pollution and what can be done to address these; and to share such information with project audiences and stakeholders using a variety of tools and strategies.
- To work in close collaboration with the project partners ensuring project communication is scientifically correct and to utilize the appropriate means to reach intended audiences and project stakeholders, actively supporting SOS-ZEROPOL2030 Living Labs and the co-design, co-production, and co-delivery of a stakeholder led European Seas zeropollution framework
- To develop and use project-specific targeted dissemination approaches ensuring project information is distributed to, and understood by, experts in the field as well as non-experts, linking in with and building upon relevant SOS- ZEROPOL2030 activities and research as well as other relevant projects and activities.
- To engage the public targeting diverse social backgrounds and age-groups in an enjoyable and creative way, and to do so in support of and in tandem with projects extensive stakeholder engagement.
- Task 6.1 Communication and Exploitation Strategy and Dissemination Plan
- Task 6.2 Website and social media outlets
- Task 6.3 Communication toolkit
- Task 6.4 Media Package
- Task 6.5 Annual newsletters
- Task 6.6 Visual Products (infographics and project fact sheets)
- Task 6.7 Interactive narratives/story maps/project policy briefs
- Task 6.8 Zero-Pollution online Hub